The Most Detailed Tips to Tell Someone You Have Herpes

how to tell someone I have herpes

HSV is highly contagious and often asymptomatic, making the decision to disclose your health status and how to tell someone you have herpes an important one. This article covers the topic of herpes disclosure in four parts. The first section explores whether disclosure is necessary from various perspectives. The second part provides detailed steps on how to reveal your herpes status and includes a sample conversation. The third section offers advice for people living with herpes on how to cope with rejection after disclosure. The final part provides practical advice for those who choose not to disclose, such as finding support in herpes-only communities or herpes dating websites.

Is Disclosure Necessary When Dating Someone with Herpes?

Here are different ideas on the necessity of herpes disclosure from various groups:

Legal Requirements on Revealing Herpes Status

In the U.S., each state has different regulations regarding the sharing of sexually transmitted diseases. In high-population states like California and Texas, people with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have the responsibility and obligation to inform their sexual partners about their infection status before engaging in sexual activity.

Medical Perspective

Some doctors suggest that patients might not need to disclose their herpes status. However, this varies, and not all medical professionals share this view.

Advocacy for Herpes Disclosure

On larger forums like Quora and Reddit, disclosure is generally encouraged. Advocates argue that being honest is a matter of fairness and integrity, and hiding this information can be unfair to the uninformed partner.

Possible Reactions from Non-Herpes Individuals

Those without herpes often prefer that their current or future partners be open about their sexual health status. Knowing this information helps them understand how to protect themselves and address potential challenges.

Possible Outcomes of Disclosure

Not Disclosing: Choosing to keep it confidential protects your privacy well and avoids the stigma associated with sexually transmitted infections. However, it may lead to anxiety and guilt. If your partner discovers the information later, it might result in blame and resentment from your partner rather than understanding and acceptance.

Disclosing: Sharing your herpes status puts you in a vulnerable position. You may face a range of reactions, from disappointment to relief. This approach involves risk but can also lead to deeper trust and understanding.

Impact of Disclosure on Herpes Itself

Making your status known can help reduce the stigma associated with HSV and increase awareness about the risks of herpes. It can also contribute to controlling its spread by promoting safer practices. Summary: It is advisable to follow your principles and needs while staying within legal boundaries. You can choose to protect yourself while also working together to ensure mutual protection.

How to Disclose Herpes Effectively?



If you decide to disclose, do so before engaging in sexual activities. It’s important to note that HSV is divided into oral herpes and genital herpes, and it can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. It is possible to get herpes from kissing without having sex. Therefore, you should avoid kissing or touching any symptomatic areas before sharing your status. Of course, if your lips are not infected with HSV (meaning there is no active virus, not just no outbreak), kissing can be done without concern.

Additionally, in terms of the relationship’s progression, you don’t have to disclose it during your introduction or on the first date. You can absolutely wait until you’ve gotten to know each other well enough and built sufficient trust before doing so. It’s best not to do this before you’re certain that the person is willing to take risks because of your charm. When you yourself question whether they might reject or avoid you, the result might hurt your confidence in finding love in the future. Of course, the most important thing is that all of this should happen before any intimate contact.


Choose a private and safe place to ensure your privacy.


Dating Profile: Showing your status on your dating profile is a bold choice. It filters out people who might reject you due to herpes and saves time. However, it might also mean missing out on people who could be attracted to you despite your status.

Serious Talk: A face-to-face conversation is a common method. It allows you to gauge your partner’s reactions through their body language but might create awkward moments.

Written Form: If you’re uncomfortable with face-to-face conversations, writing a letter, text, or email can help. This method allows you to carefully choose your words and avoid immediate emotional reactions from your partner. However, it lacks real-time feedback.

Content Your Revealing Should Include

  • Your herpes status
  • Basic information about herpes
  • How you manage it
  • The risks and manageable nature of the condition
  • Your commitment to the relationship and respect for their decision.

Sample Dialogue:

You: “I care about you deeply, and there’s something important I need to share with you.”

Partner: “What is it, dear?”

You: “I have herpes. Are you familiar with it?”

Partner: “Not much. Is it worse than cold sores?”

You: “It’s a sexually transmitted infection that can be spread through sexual contact and, in some cases, through kissing if it’s oral herpes. I don’t want to hurt you by hiding it.”

Partner: “So sorry to hear that, darling. Is it curable?”

You: “Currently, there’s no cure, but treatments can manage symptoms and reduce outbreaks. I’ve been managing it well and have no symptoms, but we should always practice safe sex.”

Partner: “Got it. And… do condoms protect against it completely?”

You: “They help a lot but aren’t 100% effective. You need to think about this seriously. I value our time together and would love to continue, but I respect your decision.”

Partner: “To be honest, I’m a bit overwhelmed…and maybe I need some time.”

You: “Sure. Take your time to learn more about herpes and consider our relationship. Please let me know your decision once you make it. Okay?”

Partner: “Of course, babe. I will. Thanks for telling me this.”

Tips: Practice your conversation in advance, be mindful of your wording and tone, stay confident and calm, and don’t rush or pressure your partner. Give them time to think, encourage them to learn more about herpes, and respect their decision. Regardless of their reaction, you might gently suggest getting an HSV test since it’s so common and can often go unnoticed.

Possible Reactions After Your Disclosing

Try not to be too pessimistic about how your partner might react. In reality, they might respond better than you expect. Herpes is very common in the U.S. — the World Health Organization estimates that 3.7 billion people under 50 have HSV-1 alone. So, it’s quite possible that when you say, “I have herpes,” your partner might respond with, “Me too.” On Quora, many people have answered “yes” to the question, “Would you date people with herpes?” Reddit also has stories of people who were still chosen or felt no regret even after revealing their status. This should give you more confidence and courage.

How to Handle Rejection After Disclosing Herpes?


When you face rejection after telling someone you have herpes, is there anything you can do for yourselves? Here is a guide , hoping it will be helpful.

Understand Rejection

First, rejection might not be about herpes at all — it could be an excuse. Second, it’s not your fault. Don’t blame yourself for their decision.

Boost Your Confidence

Rejection is a common experience, and many people go through it. Herpes and rejection do not define who you are. You are still a kind, brave, and incredible person. Try to maintain your confidence without losing even a millimeter, even if it’s challenging. Enjoy life with friends and showcase your charm and positive outlook on social media. These aspects are far more important than herpes.

Seek Support

If you’re feeling regret about Confiding your status, consider sharing your story on STI-related communities or websites. You’ll likely receive genuine support and encouragement from people who have been through similar experiences, which can make you feel much better.

Seek Professional Help

If herpes and its impact on relationships have seriously affected your mental health, such as causing depression, seek help from a mental health professional as soon as possible.

Can I Have Sex Without Disclosing Herpes?

Yes, it is possible. If you’re tired of rejection, consider joining herpes-only dating sites like HSV Dating Website and MPWH. You can filter potential partners by herpes type, location, and other preferences. These online communities allow you to search for singles who understand and support you without needing to explain yourself.

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